Thriller opening

Thursday 14 February 2013

Filming the thriller opening

After preparation was finished we met at the setting which was a group members friends house to film the opening. We brought all the equipment we needed from the schools media pod.

Setting: We required a setting that had a windowsill, wardrobe and a bed central in the room and this persons bedroom fitted this criteria. It was also a good setting since it was located very close to school and so we did not have to carry the equipment very far. We were able to easily change the room around for it to match the initial ideas which was key.

Lighting: For lighting we closed the curtains and turned off all lights to try and achieved a dark atmosphere. We used a led light that we borrowed from media to highlight certain aspects, for example Nikita's face when she was opening her eyes and the hanger swinging to show the dress not being there.

Filming: After we had get the setting done we started filming. This was not too difficult but had some problems such as Nikita who was playing the main character could not keep a straight face, this meant we had to do many takes (however I don't think I would of done better). After a few takes it got better and we got a variety of shots done when filming. Me and Kelly took it in turns to do the filming including different shots such as panning, extreme close up and eye level shots. I found filming enjoyable due to relaxed atmosphere and the tripod making shots such as panning much easier.

Props: We required many props for the thriller opening including;
- Two dresses, white(signifies purity and innocence) and purple(power)
- A trench coat, whiskey and cigarette which are all common props for a film noir thriller
- Empty photo frames and a clock, the clock placed upside down to show the abnormality of the individual.
- Red lipstick and nail polish where used to show her as being flirtatious, but still dangerous.
- We had posters from other films such as Fatal attraction and double indemnity, these were used to show the character being obsessed with thrillers as well as being a homage.
- We had a homage to the silence of the lambs by having powerful words stuck to the back of the bedroom door.

This image shows the back of the bedroom door and the trench coat hanging off. We made the trench coat very obvious due to the fact it is almost iconic in this type of thriller. The rope can bee clearly seen underneath the trench coat and adds the the thoughts that the person is a bit crazy. The powerful words on the back of the door are a homage to the silence of the lambs when they had similar words on a tree on the edge of the woods. The words were used to describe the character, so pain is to do with her past and how she had been let down. Power is used to show that she has a powerful way of manipulating men into doing what she wants and the words fatal and attraction are used as a homage for the thriller fatal attraction.

This poster was from Fatal Attraction an is one of three on the wall of the characters bedroom. These posters show the characters obsession with thrillers and how it is an important part of her life. This particular poster is important due to the character imitating her positioning in one of the opening shots.

This is the second poster in the characters bedroom and was from the postman only rings twice. This poster is seen in the panning shot in the opening and reinforces the idea that the character is obsessed with thrillers.

These two images show the empty photo frames and the clock placed upside down. The empty photo frames not only show that the main character is a bit strange but also quite alone. The clock shows that the character is very precise with clock time (12:12) reflecting the time pause on the film Fatal Attraction.

This picture shows the dress in the closet. We chose to have a purple dress because purple shows power and mystery. The dress will be hanging by itself to highlight its significance and in a later scene the hanger will be left swinging to show it has gone.

This is a newspaper we made to highlight the main characters intentions when she circles the face of the person. We made him a millionaire who has won more money because she is very poor and this could be one of the reasons behind the main character targeting him.

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